Random House是美国的一个出版公司,中文翻译为“兰登书屋”。Random House成立于xx年,是全球最大的英文泛函出版公司之一,旗下出版物涵盖了小说、文学、儿童读物、历史、科学、艺术和公共事务等多个领域,曾多次获得普利策奖、国家图书奖和美国图书奖等多个著名奖项。
以下是9个含有Random House的例句:
1. I love the books published by Random House. (我喜欢兰登书屋出版的书籍。)
2. Random House has a long history of publishing classic literature. (兰登书屋有着悠久的出版经历,出版过许多经典文学作品。)
3. Random House Children's Books is a leading publisher of children's literature. (兰登书屋儿童读物是领先的儿童文学出版商。)
4. The author signed a book deal with Random House. (这位作者与兰登书屋签订了书籍合同。)
5. Random House has published many New York Times bestsellers. (兰登书屋出版了很多《纽约时报》畅销书。)
6. Random House is committed to promoting diversity in publishing. (兰登书屋致力于促进出版业的多元性。)
7. The audiobook was produced by Random House Audio. (这本有声读物由兰登书屋音频制作。)
8. Random House published the first book in the popular series. (兰登书屋出版了这个流行系列的第一本书。)
9. Random House imprints include Vintage Books and Crown Publishing. (兰登书屋的品牌包括Vintage Books和Crown Publishing。)