Trombiculidae是什么意思 Trombiculidae的读音、翻译、用法

Trombiculidae是什么意思 Trombiculidae的读音、翻译、用法



1. Trombiculidae are tiny mites that infest the skin of mammals, birds and reptiles.(Trombiculidae是很小的螨虫,寄生于哺乳动物、鸟类和爬行动物的皮肤上。)

2. You may have heard of chigger bites - these are actually caused by trombiculidae mites.(你可能听说过草屑虫咬伤的问题 - 实际上是由草螨虫引起的。)

3. Trombiculidae are most active during the summer months, when they can cause significant irritation to their hosts.(草螨虫在夏季最为活跃,会给它们的宿主带来极大的刺激。)

4. The larvae of Trombiculidae are harmless to humans, but their bites can be very itchy and uncomfortable.(草螨虫的幼虫对人类是无害的,但它们的咬伤会非常痒和难受。)

5. Trombiculidae are found all over the world, but they are especially common in tropical and subtropical regions.(草螨虫分布全球,但它们在热带和亚热带地区特别常见。)

6. If you suspect that you have been bitten by Trombiculidae, it's important to treat the bites promptly to prevent infection.(如果你怀疑自己被草螨虫咬了,及时治疗咬伤是防止感染的重要措施。)

7. Trombiculidae can be difficult to see with the naked eye, as they are only about 0.4 mm in length.(草螨虫在肉眼下很难看到,因为它们只有约0.4毫米长。)

8. It's important to avoid areas where Trombiculidae are known to be present, such as tall grass or wooded areas.(避免出没于草螨虫常见的地方,如高草和林地等地区,很重要。)

9. The best way to prevent Trombiculidae bites is to wear long sleeves and pants, and to use insect repellent on exposed skin.(防止草螨虫咬伤的最好方法是穿长袖长裤,对露出的皮肤使用驱虫剂。)

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