Thomas Beecham是什么意思 Thomas Beecham的读音、翻译、用法

Thomas Beecham是什么意思 Thomas Beecham的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'Thomas Beecham'是英国的词语,中文翻译为“托马斯·比彻姆”。

2. 托马斯·比彻姆(1879-1961)是20世纪英国最著名的指挥家之一,曾经担任伦敦皇家爱乐乐团首席指挥和菲尔哈蒙尼亚乐团创始指挥等职务。

3. 例句:

- Thomas Beecham is widely regarded as one of the greatest conductors in British music history.(托马斯·比彻姆被广泛认为是英国音乐史上最伟大的指挥之一。)

- The recordings of Thomas Beecham are highly sought after by classical music collectors.(托马斯·比彻姆的唱片是古典音乐收藏家追捧的对象。)

- Thomas Beecham was known for his lively and colourful interpretations of Mozart's music.(托马斯·比彻姆以其活泼多彩的莫扎特音乐诠释而闻名。)

- The Thomas Beecham Society was founded in 1951 to promote and preserve his legacy.(托马斯·比彻姆协会成立于xx年,旨在推广和保留他的遗产。)

- Thomas Beecham conducted many successful operatic productions during his career.(托马斯·比彻姆在职业生涯中指挥了许多成功的歌剧制作。)

- The music of Thomas Beecham is still performed and admired today.(托马斯·比彻姆的音乐至今仍被演奏和赞赏。)

- Thomas Beecham was also a noted composer, although his works are somewhat overshadowed by his conducting career.(托马斯·比彻姆也是一位著名的作曲家,尽管他的作品在他的指挥生涯中有些被掩盖。)

- The Thomas Beecham Opera Company was founded in 1916 and was known for its high standards of production.(托马斯·比彻姆歌剧公司成立于xx年,以其高水平的制作而闻名。)

- The Thomas Beecham Trust was established to support young musicians and composers in the UK.(托马斯·比彻姆信托基金会成立旨在支持英国年轻音乐家和作曲家。)

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