答:'Mnemosyne' 是希腊语,中文翻译为“记忆女神”,是希腊神话中的一位女神,主管记忆和文字。
1. Mnemosyne 是 Zeus 的女兒,也是九位文藝女神的母親。Mnemosyne is the daughter of Zeus and mother of the nine Muses in Greek mythology.
2. 艺术家们认为Mnemosyne 被赋予了创造很多艺术品的能力。Artists believe Mnemosyne is endowed with the ability to create many works of art.
3. Mnemosyne 是医学上的一个术语,指的是记忆良好的人。Mnemosyne is a medical term for a person with a good memory.
4. 在古希腊文化中,人们通常会向 Mnemosyne 祈求记忆力。In ancient Greek culture, people often prayed to Mnemosyne for good memory.
5. Mnemosyne 是神话中的一位非常重要的人物,她扮演了很重要的角色。Mnemosyne plays a very important role in mythology.
6. Mnemosyne 被描述为一个非常美丽的女神,拥有惊人的智慧和记忆力。Mnemosyne is described as a very beautiful goddess endowed with astonishing wisdom and memory.
7. 古希腊人相信,当人死后,他们的灵魂会被 Mnemosyne 吸收。The ancient Greeks believed that when people died, their souls were absorbed by Mnemosyne.
8. Mnemosyne 可以让人保持对过去的记忆,并且也可以帮助人们更好地理解未来。Mnemosyne can help people maintain memories of the past and better understand the future.
9. Mnemosyne 被认为是文学和艺术的女神,因为她可以激发作家和艺术家的创作灵感。Mnemosyne is considered the goddess of literature and art because she can inspire writers and artists.