'Brachycolus asparagi'是拉丁语,翻译为“小刺葱蝽”。它是一种由跳蚤科昆虫组成的真正的臭虫,常见于欧洲和北美洲的菜园和农场。
1. Brachycolus asparagi是一种常见的菜园害虫,会危害葱类作物。
(英语原文:Brachycolus asparagi is a common garden pest that can damage onion crops.)
2. 由于Brachycolus asparagi的寿命短,它们对农作物的影响通常不会太大。
(英语原文:Due to the short lifespan of Brachycolus asparagi, their impact on crops is usually not significant.)
3. 农民们常常使用化学农药来控制Brachycolus asparagi的数量。
(英语原文:Farmers often use chemical pesticides to control the population of Brachycolus asparagi.)
4. Brachycolus asparagi会以成虫和幼虫的形式危害葱类和大蒜等作物。
(英语原文:Brachycolus asparagi can damage crops such as onions and garlic in both adult and larval form.)
5. 在欧洲,Brachycolus asparagi是葱类作物的主要害虫之一。
(英语原文:In Europe, Brachycolus asparagi is one of the major pests of onion crops.)
6. 除了使用化学农药,种植者还可以采用有机农业技术来控制Brachycolus asparagi的数量。
(英语原文:In addition to using chemical pesticides, growers can also use organic farming techniques to control the population of Brachycolus asparagi.)
7. Brachycolus asparagi的寿命只有数周,所以在农作物收获前通常不会对其造成太大的损害。
(英语原文:Brachycolus asparagi has a lifespan of only a few weeks, so it usually doesn't cause significant damage to crops before harvest.)
8. 如果Brachycolus asparagi数量太多,它们可能会破坏作物的根部,导致植物无法生长。
(英语原文:If there are too many Brachycolus asparagi, they can damage the roots of crops, causing plants to stop growing.)
9. Brachycolus asparagi的幼虫会吃掉葱类和大蒜的根部,导致作物死亡。
(英语原文:The larvae of Brachycolus asparagi will eat the roots of onions and garlic, causing the crops to die.)