1. 'Heliothis'是一个拉丁词,意为 '阳光的蛾子'。
2. 'Heliothis'是昆虫学中的一个属名,属于夜蛾科,包括一些对农业有害的种类。
3. 中文翻译:阳光蛾属。
4. 这个属名用于标识一些农作物的害虫,例如玉米螟(Heliothis zea)和棉铃虫(Heliothis armigera)。
5. 例句1:Heliothis zea是南美洲原产的一种玉米螟,会在玉米、番茄、豆类等农作物上造成损失。(英语)
Translation: Heliothis zea is a species of corn earworm that originated in South America and causes damage to crops such as corn, tomatoes, and legumes. (English)
6. 例句2:Heliothis armigera是一种全球性的棉铃虫害虫,其幼虫会在棉花、大豆和一些蔬菜上寄生。(法语)
Translation: Heliothis armigera is a global pest of cotton bolls, soybeans, and some vegetables, with its larvae parasitizing these plants. (French)
7. 例句3:Heliothis virescens是美国南部和中部地区玉米和烟草的主要害虫。(西班牙语)
Translation: Heliothis virescens is a major pest of corn and tobacco in the Southern and Central regions of the United States. (Spanish)
8. 例句4:Heliothis peltigera是澳大利亚的一种害虫,会在豆类、玉米和番茄等农作物上寄生。(德语)
Translation: Heliothis peltigera is a pest in Australia that parasitizes crops including legumes, corn, and tomatoes. (German)
9. 例句5:Heliothis subflexa是一种棉铃虫害虫,会在印度、孟加拉国和斯里兰卡等南亚国家的棉花上寄生。(荷兰语)
Translation: Heliothis subflexa is a cotton bollworm pest that parasitizes cotton in South Asian countries such as India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. (Dutch)