Spilopsyllus是什么意思 Spilopsyllus的读音、翻译、用法

Spilopsyllus是什么意思 Spilopsyllus的读音、翻译、用法




1. The flea species 'Spilopsyllus' has a significant effect on the spread of diseases in rodents.(寄生虱属对啮齿动物疾病的传播有显著影响。)

2. 'Spilopsyllus cuniculi' is a type of flea commonly found on rabbits.(' Spilopsyllus cuniculi '是常见于兔子身上的一种跳蚤。)

3. The life cycle of 'Spilopsyllus cuniculi' involves four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.('Spilopsyllus cuniculi'的生命周期包括四个阶段:卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫。)

4. In addition to rodents, 'Spilopsyllus' fleas can also infest pets such as cats and dogs.(除啮齿动物外,'Spilopsyllus'蚤还可以寄生于宠物,如猫和狗。)

5. 'Spilopsyllus cuniculi' can cause severe itching and discomfort in rabbits, leading to decreased health and productivity.('Spilopsyllus cuniculi' 可以引起兔子严重的瘙痒和不适感,导致健康状况和生产力下降。)

6. The control of 'Spilopsyllus' fleas is essential in maintaining the health and welfare of domestic animals.(控制'Spilopsyllus'蚤对于维护家畜的健康和福利至关重要。)

7. 'Spilopsyllus' fleas are known to transmit several diseases to their hosts, such as plague and typhus.('Spilopsyllus'蚤可以向其寄生物传播多种疾病,如瘟疫和斑疹伤寒。)

8. The morphology and taxonomy of 'Spilopsyllus' fleas have been extensively studied over the years.(多年来,' Spilopsyllus '跳蚤的形态学和分类学已经得到广泛研究。)

9. 'Spilopsyllus cuniculi' infestations can be prevented through good hygiene and regular flea treatment of pet rabbits.(通过良好的卫生习惯和定期给宠物兔子进行跳蚤治疗可以预防'Spilopsyllus cuniculi'寄生。)

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