'Muay thai'是泰国的词语,中文翻译为泰式拳击。它是一种泰国传统的武术和格斗运动,主要采用拳、膝、肘、腿等各种攻击技巧,被誉为“八肢之舞”和“东方拳王”。
以下是9个含有'Muay thai'的例句:
1. 他是一位专业的Muay thai选手,已经取得过多次世界冠军。He is a professional Muay Thai fighter who has won multiple world championships.
2. Muay thai是我最喜欢的运动之一,它帮我保持了健康的身体。Muay Thai is one of my favorite sports, it helps me maintain a healthy body.
3. 这场比赛是Muay thai的巅峰之战,两位选手展现了极高的水平。The match was the pinnacle of Muay Thai, with two fighters showing extremely high levels of skill.
4. 学习Muay thai需要耐心和毅力,因为它是一项具有挑战性的运动。Learning Muay Thai requires patience and perseverance because it is a challenging sport.
5. 其他运动可能帮你保持身形健康,但Muay thai能让你拥有强健的体魄和坚定的意志力。While other sports may help you maintain a healthy physique, Muay Thai can give you a strong body and a strong willpower.
6. Muay thai 可以帮助强化下半身的力量和肌肉,并提高反应速度和手眼协调能力。Muay Thai can help strengthen lower body strength and muscles, and improve reaction speed and hand-eye coordination.
7. 他曾经在泰国学习过Muay thai,并认为它是一项非常有用的自我防卫技能。He once studied Muay Thai in Thailand and believes it is a very useful self-defense skill.
8. Muay thai源于泰国的传统文化和历史,已经存在了数百年之久。Muay Thai originated from Thailand’s traditional culture and history and has existed for centuries.
9. 他在Muay thai比赛中输了,但他对自己的表现感到满意,因为他认为自己已经尽力了。He lost in the Muay Thai match, but he was satisfied with his performance because he felt he had given his best effort.