1. Piedraia hortae是引起黑色小皮石症的真菌之一。
(Piedraia hortae is one of the fungi that cause black piedra.)
2. 皮石症一般通过头发交叉感染而传播。
(Piedra is usually spread by hair-to-hair contact.)
3. 我们必须识别出真正引起皮石症的菌株,才能确定正确的治疗方法。
(We need to identify the true causative strain of Piedraia in order to determine the correct treatment.)
4. 在许多国家,皮石症是一种常见的疾病,特别是在南美洲。
(Piedra is a common disease in many countries, especially in South America.)
5. Piedraia的症状包括头发和皮肤上的小结节和瘙痒等。
(Symptoms of Piedraia include small nodules on the hair and skin, and itching.)
6. 黑色小皮石症的治疗可以采用口服药物或外用药物。
(Treatment for black piedra can involve oral or topical medication.)
7. 皮石症的治疗可以需要几个月的时间才能完全消除。
(Treatment for Piedra can take several months to fully resolve.)
8. Piedraia的传播可通过共用毛巾、梳子等日常生活用品。
(Piedraia can spread through sharing of towels, combs, and other everyday items.)
9. 在感染了皮石症后,及时就医并正确治疗非常重要。
(Prompt medical attention and proper treatment are important after contracting Piedra.)