Nick Leeson是英国的词语,中文翻译为尼克·利森。他是一位曾经在巴林国际汇丰银行担任交易员的英国人。他在xx年代初在新加坡的巴林国际汇丰银行的衍生品交易部门从事期货交易,因为操控交易记录而造成了高达14亿英镑的损失,导致这家银行破产。Nick Leeson逃到了印度尼西亚,但最终被捕并判刑。他的故事也被搬上了大银幕,并成为了经典的金融灾难案例之一。
以下是9个含有Nick Leeson的例句:
1. Nick Leeson在xx年代初期在新加坡的巴林国际汇丰银行从事期货交易。
Nick Leeson worked in the futures trading department of Barings Bank in Singapore in the early 1990s.
2. Nick Leeson因为操控交易记录而造成了高达14亿英镑的损失。
Nick Leeson caused losses of up to £1.4 billion by manipulating trading records.
3. Nick Leeson逃到了印度尼西亚,但最终被捕并判刑。
Nick Leeson fled to Indonesia but was eventually caught and sentenced to prison.
4. Nick Leeson的故事被搬上了大银幕。
The story of Nick Leeson was made into a movie.
5. 在金融界,Nick Leeson被认为是一位灾难性的交易员。
In the financial world, Nick Leeson is considered a disastrous trader.
6. Nick Leeson的行为揭示了衍生品交易的风险。
Nick Leeson's actions exposed the risks in derivatives trading.
7. 巴林国际汇丰银行在Nick Leeson的交易活动中承受了巨大的损失。
Barings Bank suffered huge losses due to Nick Leeson's trading activities.
8. Nick Leeson的行为导致了巴林国际汇丰银行的破产。
Nick Leeson's actions led to the bankruptcy of Barings Bank.
9. Nick Leeson的故事成为了经典的金融灾难案例之一,对金融界产生了深远的影响。
The story of Nick Leeson has become a classic example of financial disaster and has had a profound impact on the finance industry.