Nabla是什么意思 Nabla的读音、翻译、用法

Nabla是什么意思 Nabla的读音、翻译、用法




1. Nabla算子应用于求解无穷大问题。

(The nabla operator is used to solve problems involving infinities.)

2. 我们可以使用nabla算子来计算这个向量场的散度。

(We can use the nabla operator to calculate the divergence of this vector field.)

3. Nabla算子是一个向量,用于表示向量场在每个点的局部变化。

(The nabla operator is a vector that represents the local variation of a vector field at each point.)

4. 通过nabla算子,我们可以计算一个标量场的梯度。

(With the nabla operator, we can calculate the gradient of a scalar field.)

5. Nabla算子在流体力学、电动力学和量子力学等领域中得到广泛应用。

(The nabla operator is widely used in fields such as fluid mechanics, electrodynamics, and quantum mechanics.)

6. 当nabla算子作用于一个标量函数时,它返回该函数的梯度。

(When the nabla operator acts on a scalar function, it returns the gradient of that function.)

7. 计算哈密顿量的nabla算子可用于描述量子力学中的薛定谔方程。

(The nabla operator of the Hamiltonian can be used to describe the Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics.)

8. Nabla算子的平方,或者说它的点积,可以用来计算一个向量场的拉普拉斯算子。

(The square, or dot product, of the nabla operator can be used to calculate the Laplacian operator of a vector field.)

9. nabla算子在微积分中有广泛应用,可用于计算梯度、散度和旋度。

(The nabla operator has broad applications in calculus and can be used to calculate gradient, divergence, and curl.)

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