LCS是美国的词语,全称为“League of Legends Championship Series”,翻译为《英雄联盟》全球总决赛系列赛。
LCS是英雄联盟全球范围内的一项职业电子竞技联赛,由英雄联盟开发商Riot Games主办,分为北美赛区和欧洲赛区,每年春季和夏季进行两个赛季。LCS的胜者可以获得参加英雄联盟全球总决赛的资格,被誉为英雄联盟世界最高水平的竞技赛事之一。
1. I'm so excited to watch LCS finals this year. 我非常期待今年LCS的决赛。
2. The LCS players are so skilled, I can't wait to see their performances. LCS选手们实力超群,我迫不及待地想看他们的表现。
3. LCS赛事每年都吸引着大量的粉丝观看。The LCS events attract a huge number of fans every year.
4. The LCS broadcast is always so exciting and entertaining. LCS的直播总是非常刺激和娱乐性十足。
5. The LCS teams have been practicing for weeks to prepare for this match. LCS的战队已经练习了好几个星期来为这场比赛做准备。
6. He is a professional player in the LCS North America region. 他是北美赛区LCS的一名职业选手。
7. The LCS matches are always intense and unpredictable. LCS的比赛总是紧张刺激,难以预测。
8. The LCS players are under a lot of pressure to perform well in front of thousands of fans. LCS选手面对成千上万的粉丝表现要好,承受了很大的压力。
9. This year's LCS finals will be held in Shanghai, China. 今年的LCS总决赛将在中国上海举行。