pilchard是什么意思 pilchard的读音、翻译、用法

pilchard是什么意思 pilchard的读音、翻译、用法



1. The pilchard is a type of oily fish that is commonly used in Mediterranean cuisine.(鲱鱼是一种常用于地中海美食的油性鱼类。)

2. The fishermen pulled in a huge haul of pilchards today.(渔民今天拉回了一大批鲱鱼。)

3. The pilchard population has declined significantly in recent years due to overfishing.(由于过度捕捞,近年来的鲱鱼数量已经显著下降。)

4. It's recommended to eat two portions of oily fish, such as pilchard, per week for a healthy diet.(为了健康饮食,建议每周食用两份油性鱼类,如鲱鱼。)

5. The pilchard is a key ingredient in the traditional Cornish dish, Stargazy pie.(鲱鱼是传统康沃尔地区著名菜品“星眼派”的关键食材。)

6. Pilchard fillets can be grilled or baked for a quick and easy meal.(鲱鱼片可以烤或烤制,做出快捷易做的美食。)

7. In Portugal, pilchards are often canned in olive oil and served with bread.(在葡萄牙,鲱鱼经常被装罐在橄榄油中并搭配面包食用。)

8. The pilchard run occurs annually along the Cornish coast, attracting many tourists and fishermen.(鲱鱼季每年都会沿着康沃尔海岸线上演,吸引了许多游客和渔民。)

9. The pilchard industry played a major role in the economy of Cornwall during the 19th century.(19世纪期间,鲱鱼产业在康沃尔的经济中扮演了重要角色。)

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