sponsor是什么意思 sponsor的读音、翻译、用法

sponsor是什么意思 sponsor的读音、翻译、用法



1. My company will sponsor the charity event this year.(我的公司将赞助今年的慈善活动。)

2. He is the sponsor of the famous football team.(他是著名足球队的赞助商。)

3. The movie was sponsored by a big corporation.(这部电影是由一家大公司赞助的。)

4. The conference was sponsored by the government.(这次会议是政府主办的。)

5. The band was sponsored by a record label.(这个乐队得到了唱片公司的资助。)

6. The athlete was looking for a sponsor for his next competition.(这名运动员正在寻找他下一场比赛的赞助商。)

7. The museum exhibit was sponsored by a wealthy donor.(这个博物馆展览得到了一位富有的捐赠者的资助。)

8. The orchestra's concert was sponsored by a local business.(这个管弦乐团的音乐会得到了当地企业的赞助。)

9. The academic research was sponsored by a grant from the university.(这项学术研究得到了大学颁发的资助金的支持。)

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