1. The Dactylopiidae can be used to control scale insects in orchards.('Dactylopiidae'可以用来控制果园中的介壳虫。)
2. The female Dactylopiidae is much larger than the male.('Dactylopiidae'的雌性远大于雄性。)
3. The Dactylopiidae has a distinctive reddish-brown color.('Dactylopiidae'有着独特的棕红色。)
4. The Dactylopiidae can lay up to 200 eggs at one time.('Dactylopiidae'可以一次产下多达200个卵。)
5. The use of Dactylopiidae as biological control agents is increasing.(使用'Dactylopiidae'作为生物防治措施正在增加。)
6. The Dactylopiidae feeds on the sap of many different species of cacti.('Dactylopiidae'以多种不同种类的仙人掌汁液为食。)
7. The Dactylopiidae is often used to control the cochineal insect.('Dactylopiidae'常被用来控制胭脂虫。)
8. The Dactylopiidae can be found in many different regions around the world.('Dactylopiidae'可以在世界各地的许多不同地区找到。)
9. The Dactylopiidae has a symbiotic relationship with some species of ants.('Dactylopiidae'与某些蚂蚁有共生关系。)