'SUV'是英语缩写词,全称为Sport Utility Vehicle,意为“运动型多用途车”。它是一种结合了轿车和越野车双重功能的车型,既有日常行车的舒适性和便利性,又拥有越野车的通过性和承载力。
1. I love driving my SUV on long road trips. (我喜欢在长途旅行时开我的SUV)
2. Many families prefer to use an SUV for their daily commute. (许多家庭更喜欢在日常通勤时使用SUV)
3. The SUV's four-wheel drive makes it ideal for off-road adventures. (SUV的四轮驱动使其成为越野冒险的理想选择)
4. SUVs have become increasingly popular in recent years. (近年来,SUV越来越受欢迎)
5. The SUV's high ground clearance allows it to easily navigate rough terrain. (SUV的高离地间隙使其轻松通过崎岖地形)
6. Many SUVs come equipped with advanced safety features. (许多SUV配备了先进的安全功能)
7. The SUV's spacious interior can comfortably seat up to seven passengers. (SUV的宽敞内部可以舒适地容纳七名乘客)
8. SUVs are often used for towing trailers and boats. (SUV经常用于拖拽拖车和船只)
9. Hybrid SUVs offer improved fuel efficiency compared to traditional gas-powered models. (混合动力SUV相对于传统的汽油车型提供了更好的燃油效率)