1. Ceroplastes japonicus在东亚的柿子上很常见。(Ceroplastes japonicus is common on persimmons in East Asia.)
2. 在土壤中应用杀虫剂可以有效控制Ceroplastes floridensis。(Applying insecticide to the soil can effectively control Ceroplastes floridensis.)
3. Ceroplastes sinensis因为其外壳的形状而得名。(Ceroplastes sinensis is named after its shell's shape.)
4. 在气候相似的地区,Ceroplastes rusci被发现在多种植物上。(Ceroplastes rusci has been found on a variety of plants in areas with similar climates.)
5. 确定某个Ceroplastes物种需要对其生物学特征和形态进行详细研究。(Identifying a Ceroplastes species requires detailed study of its biological characteristics and morphology.)
6. 需要定期检查植物,以发现和控制Ceroplastes的扩散。(Regular inspection of plants is necessary to detect and control the spread of Ceroplastes.)
7. 在菠萝上发现了Ceroplastes rubens的严重侵害。(Severely infested by Ceroplastes rubens on pineapple.)
8. Ceroplastes viridis在亚洲的果树上被广泛分布。(Ceroplastes viridis is widespread on fruit trees in Asia.)
9. 对于Ceroplastes ceriferus,研究着重于其寄主范围和性状。(For Ceroplastes ceriferus, research focus on its host range and characteristics.)