Touchstone Pictures是什么意思 Touchstone Pictures的读音、翻译、用法

Touchstone Pictures是什么意思 Touchstone Pictures的读音、翻译、用法

'Touchstone Pictures'是美国的词语,翻译为“试金石影业”。它是华特迪士尼公司的电影制作和发行部门之一,成立于xx年。它主要制作和发行成本较低的电影,包括喜剧、动作和家庭电影。该公司的标志是一块具有特殊纹路的石头,称为“Touchstone”。

以下是9个含有'Touchstone Pictures'的例句:

1. I watched a great movie from Touchstone Pictures last night. 我昨晚看了一部非常好的 Touchstone Pictures 制作的电影。

2. Touchstone Pictures is known for producing entertaining and lighthearted movies. Touchstone Pictures 以制作娱乐性和轻松愉快的电影而闻名。

3. Many popular comedies have been produced by Touchstone Pictures over the years. 多年来,Touchstone Pictures 制作了许多受欢迎的喜剧。

4. This romantic film was released by Touchstone Pictures in 1990. 这部浪漫电影是 Touchstone Pictures 于xx年推出的。

5. Touchstone Pictures has worked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood. Touchstone Pictures 与好莱坞一些最大的名字合作过。

6. Critics were impressed with the quality of the films produced by Touchstone Pictures. 评论家对 Touchstone Pictures 制作的电影质量印象深刻。

7. The founder of Touchstone Pictures was a well-known producer in the entertainment industry. Touchstone Pictures 的创始人是娱乐业中著名的制片人。

8. Touchstone Pictures has had many box office hits over the years. 多年来,Touchstone Pictures 制作了许多票房大片。

9. This is the latest release from Touchstone Pictures and it's already receiving rave reviews. 这是 Touchstone Pictures 最新的作品,已经收到了热烈的好评。

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