'pia mater'是拉丁语词语,意为“柔软的母膜”。它是人脑和脊髓的三层膜之一,位于最表面。
1. Pia mater围绕着脑和脊髓。
(The pia mater surrounds the brain and spinal cord.)
2. Pia mater是生物学家关注的一个领域。
(Pia mater is an area of interest for biologists.)
3. 在脑损伤中,pia mater的破裂是常见的情况。
(Rupture of the pia mater is a common occurrence in brain injuries.)
4. 这种药物可以渗透到pia mater中,并影响脑细胞的功能。
(This medication can penetrate the pia mater and affect the function of brain cells.)
5. Pia mater可以防止细菌和其他有害物质进入脑部。
(The pia mater helps prevent bacteria and other harmful substances from entering the brain.)
6. 手术中需要小心地处理pia mater,以避免损伤脑部组织。
(During surgery, the pia mater must be handled carefully to avoid damaging brain tissue.)
7. Pia mater的病理学变化可能导致脑膜炎和其他疾病。
(Pathological changes in the pia mater can lead to meningitis and other diseases.)
8. 研究人员正在研究可以通过pia mater向脑部投递药物的方法。
(Researchers are studying methods for delivering drugs to the brain through the pia mater.)
9. Pia mater是脑部重要的保护层,避免了外部压力对脑部的伤害。
(The pia mater is an important protective layer for the brain, preventing external pressure from harming the brain.)