1. Ceftiofur是治疗家禽腹泻的有效药物。
Ceftiofur is an effective drug for treating diarrhea in poultry.
2. 猪肉中的ceftiofur残留会对人体健康造成威胁。
Residue of ceftiofur in pork can pose a threat to human health.
3. 这种抗生素广泛使用,已经导致了细菌的抗药性。
This antibiotic is widely used and has led to bacterial resistance.
4. 兽医建议我们在症状出现后的第一时间使用ceftiofur。
The veterinarian recommends using ceftiofur at the first sign of symptoms.
5. 制止ceftiofur的滥用是保障人畜健康的重要举措。
Stopping the abuse of ceftiofur is an important measure to protect human and animal health.
6. 这种抗生素注射到牛身上是预防和治疗细菌感染的有效方式。
Injecting this antibiotic into cows is an effective way to prevent and treat bacterial infections.
7. ceftiofur已被证明对某些细菌株产生了持久的杀菌效果。
Ceftiofur has been shown to have long-lasting bactericidal effects on certain strains of bacteria.
8. 大规模使用ceftiofur导致了对头孢菌素类药物的广泛抗药性。
Extensive use of ceftiofur has led to widespread resistance to cephalosporin antibiotics.
9. 家禽细菌感染的治疗中,ceftiofur是首选药物之一。
Ceftiofur is one of the preferred drugs for treating bacterial infections in poultry.