Dylan Thomas这个词语来源于英语,是20世纪著名的威尔士诗人的名字。Thomas的诗歌作品富有感性和音乐性,常被翻译成多种语言,包括中文。在英语中,Dylan Thomas也可以用作人名,或指代他的作品和风格。
以下是9个含有Dylan Thomas的例句:
1. Dylan Thomas is one of the most celebrated poets of 20th century Britain.(Dylan Thomas是20世纪英国最著名的诗人之一。)
2. Do not go gentle into that good night is a famous poem by Dylan Thomas.(不要温顺地走入那个美好的夜晚是Dylan Thomas的一首著名诗歌。)
3. Dylan Thomas' works are known for their vivid imagery and complex metaphors.(Dylan Thomas的作品以生动的意象和复杂的隐喻著称。)
4. The Dylan Thomas Prize is awarded annually to the best literary work in the English language by an author aged 39 or under.(Dylan Thomas奖每年颁发给英语世界xx岁以下的最佳文学作品。)
5. I once visited Dylan Thomas' house in Wales and was struck by the beauty of the surrounding countryside.(我曾经去过Dylan Thomas在威尔士的家,被周围美丽的乡村所震撼。)
6. The writing style of Robert Frost was a major influence on Dylan Thomas.(罗伯特·弗罗斯特的写作风格对Dylan Thomas有很大的影响。)
7. Dylan Thomas died tragically at the age of 39, leaving behind a legacy of great poetry.(Dylan Thomas在xx岁时因悲剧性事件逝世,留下了伟大的诗歌遗产。)
8. Many scholars consider Dylan Thomas' poetry to be a reflection of his own tumultuous life.(许多学者认为Dylan Thomas的诗歌反映了他自己动荡的生活。)
9. Dylan Thomas' work explores themes of love, death, and the beauty of nature.(Dylan Thomas的作品探索了爱情、死亡和大自然的美丽主题。)