'Donald Broadbent'是英语词语,中文翻译为“唐纳德·布罗德本特”。他是一位英国心理学家,主要研究人类的感知、思维和语言等认知过程,被誉为英国认知心理学的奠基人之一。
以下是9个含有“Donald Broadbent”词语的例句:
1. Donald Broadbent was a pioneer in the study of human attention and perception.(唐纳德·布罗德本特是人类注意力和感知研究的先驱。)
2. The Broadbent Filter Model, named after Donald Broadbent, attempted to explain how humans selectively attend to stimuli in the environment.(“布罗德本特过滤模型”是以唐纳德·布罗德本特命名的,它试图解释人类如何有选择性地关注环境中的刺激。)
3. Donald Broadbent proposed the concept of attentional capacity, which refers to the limited amount of information that humans can process at once.(唐纳德·布罗德本特提出了注意容量的概念,它指的是人类一次性能够处理的信息有限。)
4. Broadbent's theory of attention posits that humans have a limited capacity for processing information, and must selectively attend to some stimuli while filtering out others.(布罗德本特的注意力理论认为,人类处理信息的能力有限,只能有选择性地关注一些刺激,而将其他刺激过滤掉。)
5. Donald Broadbent was one of the first psychologists to use computers in his research on attention and perception.(唐纳德·布罗德本特是最早在注意力和感知研究中使用计算机的心理学家之一。)
6. The Broadbent Model of Attention proposes that stimuli are filtered based on their physical attributes, such as pitch, loudness, and location.(“布罗德本特的注意力模型”认为,刺激会根据它们的物理属性进行过滤,例如音高、响度和位置。)
7. Donald Broadbent's research laid the foundation for understanding how humans process auditory information.(唐纳德·布罗德本特的研究为理解人类如何处理听觉信息奠定了基础。)
8. The Broadbent Selection Model of attention suggests that humans use a limited-capacity "filter" to attend to the most important stimuli in their environment.(“布罗德本特的选择模型”认为,人类使用有限的“过滤器”关注环境中最重要的刺激。)
9. Donald Broadbent's contributions to cognitive psychology have revolutionized the study of human cognition and perception.(唐纳德·布罗德本特在认知心理学方面的贡献彻底改变了人类认知和感知研究。)