Jude是什么意思 Jude的读音、翻译、用法

Jude是什么意思 Jude的读音、翻译、用法



1. My neighbor, Jude, is a devout Jew. (我的邻居Jude是一个虔诚的犹太教徒。)

2. Jude is attending a bar mitzvah this weekend.(Jude这个周末要去参加一个男孩成年礼。)

3. The old synagogue on Jude's street has been converted into a museum.(Jude街上的老犹太教堂已经改建为博物馆了。)

4. Jude wears a kippah when he goes to temple.(Jude去寺庙时戴上一顶小帽子。)

5. Jude celebrated Hanukkah with his family last night.(昨晚Jude和他的家人一起庆祝光明节。)

6. My grandfather was a Jude who fled Europe during World War II.(我的祖父是一位在二战期间逃离欧洲的犹太人。)

7. Jude sings in the synagogue choir.(Jude在犹太教堂唱诗班中唱歌。)

8. I've never seen Jude eat pork or shellfish.(我从没看过Jude吃猪肉或贝类。)

9. Jude gave a moving eulogy at his father's funeral.(Jude在他父亲的葬礼上做了一个感人的悼词。)

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