1. Amphicoelias fragillimus是已知最大的恐龙之一,据估计其体长可能超过40米。
(Amphicoelias fragillimus is one of the largest known dinosaurs, with an estimated length of over 40 meters.)
2. Amphicoelias的化石现在只有几节脊椎骨,而其他部位的化石至今仍未被发现。
(Only a few vertebrae of Amphicoelias fossils have been found, and other parts of its fossils have not yet been discovered.)
3. Amphicoelias的身长可能超过了著名的拉长颈鹿恐龙——巨型腕龙。
(The body length of Amphicoelias may have exceeded that of the famous long-necked dinosaur - Brachiosaurus.)
4. 有关Amphicoelias的生活方式和行为,科学家们仍在进行研究。
(Scientists are still studying the lifestyle and behavior of Amphicoelias.)
5. Amphicoelias属于蜥脚类恐龙,是一种植食性动物。
(Amphicoelias belongs to sauropod dinosaurs and is a herbivorous animal.)
6. Amphicoelias的化石发现于美国的怀俄明州,是该州恐龙化石的重要组成部分。
(Amphicoelias fossils discovered in Wyoming, USA are an important part of the state's dinosaur fossils.)
7. 大多数Amphicoelias的化石都是在xx年代发现的,但当时的科学技术还不足以研究它们。
(Most of the Amphicoelias fossils were discovered in the 1880s, but the scientific technology at that time was not enough to study them.)
8. Amphicoelias已经灭绝了1.4亿年,它在侏罗纪时期的生态系统起着重要的作用。
(Amphicoelias has been extinct for 140 million years and played an important role in the ecosystem during the Jurassic period.)
9. 由于Amphicoelias的身长过于巨大,它的骨骼可能面临着受到自身重量压迫的风险。
(Due to the huge length of Amphicoelias, its bones may face the risk of being compressed by its own weight.)