"Han Suyin"这个词语来源于英语,是一个人名,用中文翻译为韩素音。她是一位华裔作家、医生和外交官,著名作品包括小说《中國的秋天》和自传《一個中國女人的生命故事》。
以下是9个含有“Han Suyin”的例句:
1. Han Suyin was born in Xinyang, China in 1916.(韩素音xx年出生于信阳)
2. Han Suyin spent her childhood in China and her teenage years in Belgium.(韩素音的童年在中国度过,青少年时在比利时)
3. Han Suyin's novels are well-known for their portrayal of Chinese history and culture.(韩素音的小说以描绘中国历史和文化而著名)
4. Han Suyin worked as a doctor in Hong Kong for many years.(韩素音曾在香港从事医生工作多年)
5. Han Suyin was also an accomplished linguist, fluent in several languages including French and English.(韩素音还是一位多语言达人,能讲流利的法语和英语等几种语言)
6. Han Suyin was married to a British officer during World War II.(韩素音在二战期间嫁给了一位英国军官)
7. Han Suyin's autobiography provides a unique perspective on modern Chinese history.(韩素音的自传提供了一种独特的现代中国历史视角)
8. Han Suyin's novels have been translated into many languages and are popular around the world.(韩素音的小说被翻译成许多语言,在世界各地都很受欢迎)
9. Han Suyin's contributions to Sino-Indian relations were highly valued by both countries.(韩素音对中印关系的贡献得到了两国的高度评价)