1. This theory is testable and can be verified through experimentation.(这个理论是可测试的,并且可以通过实验验证。)
2. The code was designed to be easily testable so that bugs could be quickly identified.(这个代码被设计成易于测试的,以便能够快速发现错误。)
3. The new product design is highly testable, allowing for thorough quality checks.(新产品设计非常适于测试,可以进行彻底的质量检查。)
4. Researchers are working on developing a testable hypothesis about the effects of the drug.(研究人员正在尝试发展一个可测试的假设,用于研究该药物的影响。)
5. The software developers wrote the code with testability in mind, making it easier to detect and fix bugs.(软件开发人员在编写代码时考虑了可测试性,使得更易于检测和修复错误。)
6. The experimental procedure was designed to ensure testability and accuracy of the results.(实验程序被设计成确保结果的可测试性和准确性。)
7. The researchers were unable to come up with a testable hypothesis, so they had to shift their focus to a different area.(研究人员无法提出可测试的假设,因此不得不把注意力转向另一个领域。)
8. The testable predictions made by the scientist were proven correct in subsequent experiments.(科学家提出的可测试的预测在随后的实验中被证明是正确的。)
9. The team of software testers worked diligently to ensure the testability and functionality of the program.(软件测试团队勤奋工作,确保程序的可测试性和功能性。)