'Theo Walcott'是英国的词语,它是一个人名,中文翻译为"西奥·沃尔科特"。Theo Walcott是一名英国足球运动员,曾效力于阿森纳俱乐部和埃弗顿俱乐部,司职边锋或前锋。以下是9个含有'Theo Walcott'的例句:
1. Theo Walcott scored a hat-trick in the game against Croatia.(西奥·沃尔科特在对阵克罗地亚的比赛中打进了帽子戏法。)
2. Arsenal fans will always remember Theo Walcott's stunning goal against Tottenham.(阿森纳球迷将永远记得西奥·沃尔科特在对阵托特纳姆热刺的比赛中打进的惊艳进球。)
3. Theo Walcott's speed is his biggest asset on the pitch.(西奥·沃尔科特的速度是他在球场上最大的优势。)
4. Everton signed Theo Walcott from Arsenal in January 2018.(埃弗顿于xx年xx月从阿森纳签下了西奥·沃尔科特。)
5. Theo Walcott has represented England national team at three major tournaments.(西奥·沃尔科特代表英格兰国家队参加了三次重要比赛。)
6. Theo Walcott's decision to leave Arsenal was controversial among fans.(西奥·沃尔科特离开阿森纳的决定在球迷中引起了争议。)
7. Southampton was Theo Walcott's first professional club.(南安普顿是西奥·沃尔科特的第一家职业俱乐部。)
8. Theo Walcott made his debut for England national team in 2006.(西奥·沃尔科特于xx年代表英格兰国家队首次亮相。)
9. Theo Walcott's injury in the FA Cup final was a big blow for Arsenal.(西奥·沃尔科特在足总杯决赛中的受伤对阿森纳来说是一个沉重的打击。)