'Web Forms'是英语词汇,可以翻译为“网络表单”。它是指在网页上用来收集用户输入信息的交互式表单,用于实现网页的输入与输出,是网页设计中常用的一种技术。
以下是9个含有'Web Forms'的例句:
1. You can create a registration form using Web Forms.
(你可以使用Web Forms创建一个注册表单。)
2. Web Forms makes it easy to capture user information on your website.
(Web Forms使得在你的网站上获取用户信息变得很容易。)
3. Your email address is required in the Web Form to create an account.
(在Web Form中,你的电子邮箱地址是创建账户所必须的。)
4. Web Forms can be customized to fit the look and feel of your website.
(Web Forms可以被定制来适应你网站的外观和感觉。)
5. The Web Form is currently down for maintenance.
(Web Form目前正处于维护状态。)
6. The Web Form is used to collect customer feedback.
(Web Form用于收集客户反馈。)
7. The Web Form has a drop-down menu for selecting your country.
(Web Form拥有一个下拉菜单来选择你的国家。)
8. Web Forms allow users to sign up for your newsletter.
(Web Forms允许用户订阅你的新闻简报。)
9. Using Web Forms ensures that you collect accurate and organized data.
(使用Web Forms可以确保你收集准确有序的数据。)