sterol是什么意思 sterol的读音、翻译、用法

sterol是什么意思 sterol的读音、翻译、用法



1. Sterols are important structural components of cell membranes.(固醇是细胞膜结构的重要组成部分。)

2. High levels of blood cholesterol may increase the risk of heart disease.(血液中胆固醇水平过高可能增加患心脏疾病的风险。)

3. Sterol biosynthesis is regulated by a number of enzymes.(固醇生物合成受许多酶的调控。)

4. Some plants contain sterols that can lower cholesterol levels.(一些植物富含可降低胆固醇水平的固醇。)

5. Sterols can be extracted from animal sources such as liver and egg yolk.(固醇可以从动物来源如肝脏和蛋黄中提取。)

6. Ergosterol is a sterol found in fungi and is converted to vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.(麦角固醇是存在于真菌中的一种固醇,在阳光下会转化为维生素D。)

7. Sterol esters are used as emulsifiers in food products.(固醇酯被用作食品产品的乳化剂。)

8. The biosynthesis of sterols is a complex process involving multiple enzymes and regulatory factors.(固醇的生物合成是一个包含多种酶和调控因子的复杂过程。)

9. Phytosterols are a type of plant sterols that are believed to have cholesterol-lowering effects.(植物甾醇是一种被认为具有降低胆固醇作用的植物固醇。)

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