"Black Sabbath" 并不是一个国家的语言,而是一个英语词语,中文翻译为“黑色安息日”。它是英国摇滚乐队 Black Sabbath 的名字,此词语也常被用来描述某些黑暗、阴沉、毁灭性的场景或境况。
1. The sky was dark and ominous, it looked like a black Sabbath.(天空显得又黑又阴沉,就像是一个黑色安息日。)
2. He was dressed in all black, like he was going to a Black Sabbath concert.(他全身穿黑,就像是要去参加一场黑子的演唱会。)
3. The old abandoned house gave me a feeling of Black Sabbath.(这座废弃的老房子让我感觉像是进入了一个黑色安息日。)
4. The storm was so powerful, it was like a Black Sabbath had descended upon the town.(这场大风暴太强烈了,仿佛黑子已经降临到这个小镇。)
5. The horror movie had a Black Sabbath feel to it.(这部恐怖电影带有黑色安息日的感觉。)
6. The dark clouds outside the window made her feel like it was a Black Sabbath.(窗外的乌云让她感觉像是到了黑子。)
7. The metal band's sound was heavy and dark, just like Black Sabbath.(这支金属乐队的音乐很沉重、很黑暗,就像是黑子一样。)
8. The abandoned cemetery was the perfect setting for a Black Sabbath.(废弃的墓地是一个完美的黑子场景。)
9. His death was an omen of the Black Sabbath that was to come.(他的死象征着将要到来的黑色安息日。)