'Franz Kafka'是德语词语,中文翻译为“弗朗茨·卡夫卡”。他是20世纪初著名的捷克德裔小说家,以其独特的幻想和象征风格而闻名于世。他的作品呈现了人类的孤独感和无助感,被认为是西方文学史上最重要的文学成就之一。
以下是9个含有“Franz Kafka”词语的例句:
1. Kafka的小说风格非常独特,找不到与之类似的作家。(德语)
Translation: Kafka's writing style is unique and there is no writer quite like him.
2. Kafka的作品深刻地反映了现代人的孤独感和无助感。(德语)
Translation: Kafka's works reflect deeply the sense of isolation and helplessness of modern man.
3. 大部分人认为Kafka的作品充满忧郁和绝望。(英语)
Translation: Most people consider Kafka's works to be full of melancholy and despair.
4. Kafka被称为“象征主义文学的先驱”。(法语)
Translation: Kafka is regarded as a pioneer of Symbolist literature.
5. Kafka的小说中充满了翻转和变形的图像。(日语)
Translation: Kafka's novels are full of images of inversion and transformation.
6. Kafka的作品颇受讽刺和黑色幽默的影响。(德语)
Translation: Kafka's works are heavily influenced by satire and black humor.
7. 人们普遍认为Kafka的小说非常深奥和难以理解。(西班牙语)
Translation: It is widely held that Kafka's novels are very complex and difficult to understand.
8. Kafka的作品中常常有意识流和意象的运用。(意大利语)
Translation: Kafka's works often use stream of consciousness and imagery.
9. Kafka的小说结构常常是非线性的,带有许多隐喻。(俄语)
Translation: Kafka's novel structure is often non-linear and filled with many metaphors.