1. Mannite is commonly used as a sugar substitute in candies and chewing gums.(甘露醇通常被用作糖果和口香糖的替代品。)
2. Patients with diabetes can benefit from mannite as it does not cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels.(糖尿病患者可以从甘露醇中受益,因为它不会引起血糖水平的快速上升。)
3. Mannite is easily absorbed by the body and metabolized without insulin.(甘露醇易被身体吸收和代谢,不需要胰岛素。)
4. Mannite has a cooling effect and is often used in throat lozenges and cough syrups.(甘露醇具有降温作用,常被用于喉糖和咳嗽糖浆中。)
5. Mannite is also used as a cosmetic ingredient due to its moisturizing properties.(由于其保湿性质,甘露醇也被用作化妆品成分。)
6. Mannite can be found naturally in fruits and vegetables like mushrooms, celery, and raspberries.(甘露醇可以在天然水果和蔬菜中找到,如蘑菇、芹菜和覆盆子。)
7. Mannite is commonly used in the production of pharmaceuticals like diuretics and laxatives.(甘露醇常被用于制造利尿剂和泻药等药品。)
8. Mannite is a safe and effective alternative to xylitol for pets as it does not cause hypoglycemia.(甘露醇是一种安全有效的宠物替代品,不会导致低血糖。)
9. Mannite can also be used as a sweetener in smoothies and protein shakes for a low-calorie option.(甘露醇也可以作为低卡路里甜味剂添加到冰沙和蛋白质奶昔中。)