1. OpenCola是一个开源的软件项目,可以让任何人制作自己的可乐配方。
(OpenCola is an open source software project that allows anyone to create their own cola recipe.)
2. 我们不需要为了制作可乐而付专利费,因为我们可以使用OpenCola的方案。
(We don't need to pay for a patent to make cola because we can use the OpenCola recipe.)
3. OpenCola的公开配方能够促进创新和知识共享。
(The open recipe of OpenCola promotes innovation and knowledge sharing.)
4. 我们可以在网上下载OpenCola的源代码,自己制作可乐。
(We can download the source code of OpenCola online and create cola ourselves.)
5. OpenCola的创始人认为,知识和创新应该自由流通,而不受版权和专利的束缚。
(The founder of OpenCola believes that knowledge and innovation should flow freely, without being limited by copyright and patents.)
6. 我们可以使用OpenCola的配方,自己做出一款独特的可乐。
(We can use the OpenCola recipe to create a unique cola.)
7. OpenCola的思想在开发者社区中得到了广泛的认可和支持。
(The idea of OpenCola has been widely recognized and supported in the developer community.)
8. OpenCola项目的目的是让人们了解知识共享的好处,并反对知识私有化的概念。
(The goal of the OpenCola project is to educate people about the benefits of knowledge sharing and oppose the concept of knowledge privatization.)
9. OpenCola的成功证明了,开源软件可以是商业成功的基础。
(The success of OpenCola proves that open source software can be the basis for commercial success.)