1. 'ziggurat'是古代美索不达米亚地区语言的词语,主要用于描述一种古老的建筑物,类似于阶梯式的塔型建筑。
2. 常见翻译有“楼阁”、“阶梯式神殿”、“台阶式建筑”等。
3. ziggurat was a towering, stepped pyramid structure built in ancient Mesopotamia.(Ziggurat是在古代美索不达米亚地区建造的高耸的、阶梯状的金字塔结构。)
4. In ancient Sumer, ziggurats were built to house temples and were believed to be the dwelling places of the gods.(在古代苏美尔,ziggurat被用来建造神庙,并被认为是神灵居住的地方。)
5. The best-known ziggurat is the Great Ziggurat of Ur, which was built over 4,000 years ago.(最著名的ziggurat是乌尔的大金字塔,建于xx年前。)
6. The word 'ziggurat' comes from the Akkadian word 'ziqqurratu', which means 'to build high'.('ziggurat'一词来自Akkadian语的'ziqqurratu',意为'建造高楼'。)
7. Each level of a ziggurat had a different purpose, such as a place for offerings or shrines for specific gods.(ziggurat每一层都有不同的用途,比如用于祭品或特定神灵的神龛。)
8. Many ziggurats were destroyed by invading armies or collapsed due to natural disasters, so only a few remain intact today.(许多ziggurat被入侵的军队摧毁或因自然灾害而倒塌,因此现在只剩下很少的完整的ziggurat。)
9. Ziggurats were an important part of Mesopotamian religion and architecture, and their legacy can still be seen in modern-day cultures and structures.(ziggurat是美索不达米亚宗教和建筑的重要组成部分,它们的遗产仍然可以在现代文化和建筑中看到。)