lease是什么意思 lease的读音、翻译、用法

lease是什么意思 lease的读音、翻译、用法



1. We signed a lease for the apartment last week. (我们上周签了这间公寓的租约。)

2. The lease on my car expires next month. (我的车辆租约下个月到期。)

3. They leased the land for agricultural purposes. (他们为农业目的租了这片土地。)

4. The lease includes all utilities and maintenance costs. (租赁协议包括所有公共设施和维护成本。)

5. The lease requires a deposit of two months' rent. (租赁协议要求支付两个月的租金作为押金。)

6. The landlord refused to renew their lease. (房东拒绝续签他们的租约。)

7. The lease agreement is valid for one year. (租赁协议有效期为xx年。)

8. They decided to terminate the lease early. (他们决定提前终止租赁协议。)

9. The lease specifies the terms and conditions of use. (租赁协议规定使用条件和条款。)

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