1. Colombo是斯里兰卡最大的城市和商业中心。
(Colombo is the largest city and commercial center of Sri Lanka.)
2. 我们参观了Colombo的港口和纺织工厂。
(We visited the port and textile factories of Colombo.)
3. 每年的Colombo国际书展吸引了大量的读者和作家。
(The annual Colombo International Book Fair attracts a large number of readers and writers.)
4. Colombo有很多历史古迹,如世界遗产城市金马仑。
(Colombo has many historical sites, such as the world heritage city Kandy.)
5. 我很喜欢Colombo的美食,特别是他们的咖喱。
(I love the cuisine of Colombo, especially their curries.)
6. Colombo的人们非常友好和热情。
(The people of Colombo are very friendly and welcoming.)
7. 我们在Colombo的酒店住了一晚。
(We stayed at a hotel in Colombo for one night.)
8. Colombo的交通比较拥堵,但是城市的发展速度很快。
(The traffic in Colombo is quite congested, but the city is developing rapidly.)
9. 作为斯里兰卡的首都,Colombo是政治和经济的中心。
(As the capital of Sri Lanka, Colombo is the center of politics and economy.)