1. The integration of technology and education has greatly improved the efficiency of teaching. (技术和教育的整合大大提高了教学效率。)
2. The integration of different cultures is essential for building a harmonious society. (不同文化的融合对于建设和谐社会至关重要。)
3. The company is working on the integration of its various departments to improve communication and collaboration. (公司正在努力整合各个部门,以改善沟通和协作。)
4. The integration of renewable energy sources is becoming increasingly important as we work towards a greener future. (随着我们向更加绿色的未来努力,可再生能源的整合变得越来越重要。)
5. The integration of different software systems can be a complex process that requires skilled professionals. (不同软件系统的集成可能是一个需要技术人员的复杂过程。)
6. The integration of artistic elements in architecture can make buildings more visually appealing. (在建筑中融合艺术元素可以使建筑更加美观。)
7. The integration of machine learning and data analysis can help companies gain valuable insights into customer behavior. (机器学习和数据分析的整合可以帮助公司获得有价值的客户行为洞察。)
8. The integration of traditional and modern medicine can lead to more effective treatments for patients. (传统医学和现代医学的融合可以为患者带来更有效的治疗。)
9. The integration of online and offline marketing strategies can help businesses reach a wider audience. (线上和线下营销策略的整合可以帮助企业触达更广泛的受众。)