'Nectria galligena'是拉丁语,意为“苹果结节菌”,是一种苹果病害的病原菌,常见翻译为“苹果癌病菌”。该菌侵染苹果树时会引起幼枝、叶片、果实上的病斑、坑洞和溃烂,导致果实腐烂,从而损害苹果产量和品质。
以下是9个含有'Nectria galligena'的例句:
1. Nectria galligena caused significant damage to the apple trees in this orchard. (苹果癌病菌对这片果园的苹果树造成了重大的损害。)
2. The incidence of Nectria galligena infection was higher in the trees that were heavily pruned. (大量修剪的果树上,苹果癌病菌的感染率较高。)
3. Nectria galligena spores can survive on infected plant debris for several years. (苹果癌病菌的孢子可以在受感染的植物残骸上存活数年。)
4. The most effective way to control Nectria galligena is through cultural practices such as orchard sanitation and pruning. (控制苹果癌病菌的最有效方法是通过果园卫生和修剪等文化操作。)
5. Nectria galligena can cause both pre- and post-harvest fruit rot in apple orchards. (苹果癌病菌可以在苹果园内引起收获前和收获后的果实腐烂。)
6. Dormant sprays can help to reduce the incidence of Nectria galligena infection in apple trees. (休眠期喷雾可以帮助减少苹果树上的苹果癌病菌感染率。)
7. The severity of Nectria galligena infection can vary depending on weather conditions and tree age. (苹果癌病菌感染的严重程度取决于天气条件和树龄。)
8. The best time to apply fungicides for Nectria galligena control is before bloom and after harvest. (控制苹果癌病菌的最佳时间是在开花前和收获后使用杀菌剂。)
9. Nectria galligena infection can cause apple fruit to become soft and mealy, making them unsuitable for storage. (苹果癌病菌感染会导致苹果变软变粉,使它们无法存储。)