1. 'Trichomycetes'是英语词汇,翻译为“毛菌类”,指一类生活在水生昆虫消化管内的真菌。
2. 该词常用于生物学领域,用来描述这类真菌的形态、生态和分类等方面。
3. 以下是9个含有'Trichomycetes'的例句:
- Some species of Trichomycetes are known to be symbiotic with caddisflies.(一些毛菌类物种已知与毛蚊蝇共生。)
- The morphology and ultrastructure of Trichomycetes have been studied extensively.(毛菌类的形态学和超微结构已经得到了广泛的研究。)
- Trichomycetes are ubiquitous in aquatic habitats throughout the world.(毛菌类广泛存在于全球各地的水生生境中。)
- The symbiotic relationship between Trichomycetes and their insect hosts is still not fully understood.(毛菌类与它们的昆虫寄主之间的共生关系仍未完全理解。)
- Some Trichomycetes produce chitinolytic enzymes that may be important for digestion of insect exoskeletons.(一些毛菌类产生的几丁质酶可能对昆虫外骨骼的消化很重要。)
- Trichomycetes play an important role in the ecology of aquatic insect communities.(毛菌类在水生昆虫群落的生态学中扮演着重要角色。)
- The diversity of Trichomycetes in different aquatic habitats is still being explored.(在不同水生生境中的毛菌类多样性仍在探索中。)
- Some researchers have proposed using Trichomycetes as bioindicators of water quality.(一些研究者提出将毛菌类作为水质生物指示物。)
- The genetic diversity of Trichomycetes can provide valuable insights into the evolution of symbiotic relationships.(毛菌类的遗传多样性可以为共生关系的演化提供有价值的见解。)