'Ivy League'是美国的一个词语,翻译为“常青藤联盟”。它通常用来描述美国东海岸的一些知名私立大学,包括布朗大学、哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学、达特茅斯学院、哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、普林斯顿大学和耶鲁大学。这些学校都享有高学术水平和丰富的历史背景,被认为是美国最顶尖的大学之一。
以下是9个含有'Ivy League'的例句:
1. I want to attend an Ivy League university to receive an excellent education. (我想去一所常青藤联盟的大学接受优秀的教育。)
2. He was accepted into an Ivy League school and is excited to begin his studies. (他被一所常青藤联盟学校录取,很兴奋地准备开始学习。)
3. Many high school students dream of attending an Ivy League college. (许多高中生梦想上一所常青藤联盟的大学。)
4. The Ivy League is known for its rigorous academic programs and research opportunities. (常青藤联盟以其严格的学术计划和研究机会而闻名。)
5. She is an Ivy League graduate and has a successful career in finance. (她是一位常青藤联盟的毕业生,从事金融行业并获得成功。)
6. Ivy League universities are very selective in their admissions process. (常青藤联盟大学在录取过程中非常挑剔。)
7. I was amazed by the beautiful architecture and history of the Ivy League campus. (我被常青藤联盟校园的美丽建筑和历史深深吸引。)
8. His parents are proud that he was accepted into an Ivy League school. (他的父母为他被一所常青藤联盟学校录取感到自豪。)
9. She received a full scholarship to attend an Ivy League university. (她获得了一笔全额奖学金去一所常青藤联盟大学上学。)