'Cedrus deodara'是拉丁语。它的中文翻译是“喜马拉雅雪松”,是松科雪松属下的一种常绿乔木,主要分布在喜马拉雅山脉、喜马拉雅山脉南麓和靠近阿富汗边境的印度河谷地带。
以下是9个含有'Cedrus deodara'的例句:
1. The 'Cedrus deodara' is a famous tree species in the Himalayas.(“Cedrus deodara”是喜马拉雅山区著名的树种。)
2. The 'Cedrus deodara' can grow up to 50 meters tall.(“Cedrus deodara”最高可长达50米。)
3. The fragrance of 'Cedrus deodara' is highly sought after in the perfume industry.(“Cedrus deodara”的香味在香水行业中十分受欢迎。)
4. The 'Cedrus deodara' is a popular choice for landscaping.(“Cedrus deodara”是园林景观设计中常选择的植物。)
5. The 'Cedrus deodara' is a symbol of strength and longevity in Indian culture.(“Cedrus deodara”在印度文化中象征着力量和长寿。)
6. The wood of 'Cedrus deodara' is highly resistant to decay and insect damage.(“Cedrus deodara”的木材极其耐腐蚀和虫害。)
7. The 'Cedrus deodara' is a popular ornamental tree in gardens and parks around the world.(“Cedrus deodara”是世界各地园林和公园中受欢迎的观赏树。)
8. The 'Cedrus deodara' is an important component of the Himalayan ecosystem.(“Cedrus deodara”是喜马拉雅生态系统中一个重要的组成部分。)
9. The 'Cedrus deodara' has been used for centuries in traditional medicine.(“Cedrus deodara”已经被传统医学使用了数个世纪。)