'Treponema hyodysenteriae'并不是一个国家的语言,而是一种细菌的名称。它是一种能导致猪传染性下痢的螺旋体细菌。常见的翻译包括“猪痢螺菌”、“猪传染性下痢螺旋体”等。
以下是9个含有'Treponema hyodysenteriae'的例句:
1. The pathogenesis of swine dysentery caused by Treponema hyodysenteriae has not yet been fully understood. (由猪痢螺菌引起的猪痢病理机制尚未完全理解。)
2. The incidence of Treponema hyodysenteriae infection in pig farms has been on the rise in recent years. (近年来,猪痢螺菌感染在猪场的发生率不断上升。)
3. Early detection and prompt treatment are important for controlling the spread of Treponema hyodysenteriae. (早期检测和及时治疗对于控制猪痢螺菌的传播非常重要。)
4. The use of antibiotics is a common treatment option for Treponema hyodysenteriae infection. (使用抗生素是治疗猪痢螺菌感染的常见选择。)
5. Treponema hyodysenteriae is a major pathogen in pig farming and poses a significant threat to animal health and production. (猪痢螺菌是猪养殖中的主要病原体,对动物健康和生产构成重大威胁。)
6. Diagnosis of Treponema hyodysenteriae infection mainly relies on bacterial culture and PCR techniques. (猪痢螺菌感染的诊断主要依靠细菌培养和PCR技术。)
7. Control measures for Treponema hyodysenteriae include strict biosecurity protocols, vaccination, and medication. (猪痢螺菌的控制措施包括严格的生物安全规程、疫苗接种和药物治疗。)
8. The mortality rate associated with Treponema hyodysenteriae infection can be high, especially in young piglets. (与猪痢螺菌感染相关的死亡率可能较高,特别是在幼仔猪中。)
9. More research is needed to develop effective strategies for the prevention and control of Treponema hyodysenteriae in pig production. (需要开展更多研究,开发有效的猪痢螺菌预防和控制策略。)