'Fallen Astronaut'这个词语源于英语,意为“陨落的宇航员”。
这个词语常用于指代哈德利·巴曼(Belgian artist Paul Van Hoeydonck)在xx年为纪念已经死亡的宇航员而在月球表面留下的一尊小雕像。这尊雕像被称为“陨落的宇航员”,是纪念宇航员中死亡在太空探索中的人们的一个象征。
1. The Fallen Astronaut statue was created by Belgian artist Paul Van Hoeydonck in 1971.(“陨落的宇航员”小雕像是由比利时艺术家保罗·范霍伊顿克于xx年创作的。)
2. The Fallen Astronaut was placed on the Moon's surface during the Apollo 15 mission.(“陨落的宇航员”在阿波罗15号任务期间被放置在月球表面。)
3. The Fallen Astronaut is a symbol of remembrance for those who lost their lives in space exploration.(“陨落的宇航员”是为纪念在太空探索中失去生命的人们而设立的象征。)
4. The Fallen Astronaut is one of the most famous and meaningful sculptures in the history of space exploration.(“陨落的宇航员”是太空探索历史上最著名、最有意义的雕塑之一。)
5. The Fallen Astronaut statue is only 3.3 inches tall and made of aluminum.(“陨落的宇航员”雕像只有3.3英寸高,由铝制成。)
6. The Fallen Astronaut was left on the Moon's surface as a way to commemorate the astronauts who died during space missions.(为了纪念在太空任务中死亡的宇航员,“陨落的宇航员”被留在了月球表面。)
7. The Fallen Astronaut statue was controversial when it was first placed on the Moon because it was not officially authorized by NASA.(当“陨落的宇航员”雕像首次被放置在月球上时,它引起了争议,因为它没有得到NASA的正式批准。)
8. The Fallen Astronaut is a powerful symbol of human exploration and the risks associated with it. (“陨落的宇航员”是人类探索和与之相关的风险的有力象征。)
9. The Fallen Astronaut has become an iconic image in the history of space exploration.(“陨落的宇航员”在太空探索史上已经成为一个标志性的形象。)