'William Tyndale'是英语词语,可翻译为“威廉·泰恩代尔”。他是16世纪英国的一位翻译家和神学家,主要负责将圣经翻译成英语,对英语的发展和规范化作出了巨大贡献。该词语常用于英语圣经学和语言学中。
以下是9个含有'William Tyndale'的例句:
1. William Tyndale translated the New Testament into English in the 16th century.(威廉·泰恩代尔于16世纪将新约圣经翻译成了英语。)
2. Many of the words and phrases in modern English were first used by William Tyndale.(现代英语中许多词语和短语最初是由威廉·泰恩代尔首创的。)
3. William Tyndale's translation of the Bible was a major influence on the King James Version.(威廉·泰恩代尔的圣经翻译对于《欽定版圣经》的影响很大。)
4. The works of William Tyndale were banned by the Catholic Church.(威廉·泰恩代尔的作品被天主教会禁止。)
5. There is a statue of William Tyndale in Victoria Embankment Gardens in London.(伦敦维多利亚堤花园有威廉·泰恩代尔的雕像。)
6. William Tyndale's Bible translation was the first to be printed in English.(威廉·泰恩代尔的圣经翻译是第一部用英语印刷的圣经。)
7. William Tyndale's translation of the Bible was an important part of the Protestant Reformation.(威廉·泰恩代尔的圣经翻译是宗教改革运动中非常重要的一部分。)
8. The William Tyndale School in London is named after the famous translator.(伦敦的威廉·泰恩代尔学校是以这位著名翻译家命名的。)
9. William Tyndale's legacy lives on in the English language and in the hearts of believers around the world.(威廉·泰恩代尔的遗产在英语中和全球信徒的心中得以延续。)