BRD是罗马尼亚语中的缩写,全称为București Râmnicu Vâlcea Drăgășani,意为布加勒斯特-拉姆尼库-瓦尔恰-德拉加沙尼,是一条连接罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特和德拉加沙尼的公路。
1. BRD银行是罗马尼亚领先的银行之一。BRD Bank is one of the leading banks in Romania.
2. 你能不能去BRD银行给我取点钱?Can you go to BRD Bank and withdraw some money for me?
3. BRD股份有限公司于xx年成立。BRD S.A. was founded in 1990.
4. BRD银行的目标是成为客户优先的银行。BRD Bank aims to be a customer-driven bank.
5. 这个ATM机属于BRD银行。This ATM machine belongs to BRD Bank.
6. BRD银行的业务覆盖个人银行和公司银行。BRD Bank's business covers both retail and corporate banking.
7. 这张信用卡可以在BRD银行的ATM机上使用。This credit card can be used on BRD Bank's ATM machines.
8. BRD银行提供各种金融产品和服务。BRD Bank provides a diverse range of financial products and services.
9. BRD银行的总部位于布加勒斯特。BRD Bank's headquarters is located in Bucharest.