'minstrel show'这个词语来源于英语。它是指19世纪和20世纪初在美国和英国流行的一种舞台表演形式,通常由白人扮演黑人,通过夸张、滑稽、讽刺等方式表现黑人文化和生活。这种表演形式通常被认为是带有歧视和侮辱性的,因此在现代社会已经不再流行。
以下是9个含有'minstrel show'的例句:
1. The minstrel show was popular in the United States from the 1830s to the 1920s. (这种黑人滑稽表演形式在美国流行了100多年。)
2. The performers in the minstrel show usually wore blackface and exaggerated their features to make fun of black people. (这种表演形式的演员通常会涂黑脸,夸张他们的特征,来嘲笑黑人。)
3. The minstrel show was a form of entertainment that relied heavily on racial stereotypes. (这种表演形式过分依赖种族刻板印象,作为一种娱乐方式。)
4. The minstrel show was often criticized for its derogatory depictions of African Americans. (这种表演形式因对非裔美国人的贬低描绘而经常受到批评。)
5. Many of the songs and dances performed in the minstrel show were later appropriated by black performers and became part of the mainstream popular culture. (许多在这种表演形式中演唱和表演的歌曲和舞蹈后来被黑人表演者盗用,成为主流流行文化的一部分。)
6. The minstrel show was a reminder of the deep-seated racism that existed in American society. (这种表演形式是美国社会中深层根深的种族主义的一个提醒。)
7. The legacy of the minstrel show is a complicated and controversial one, with some arguing that it was an important form of cultural expression while others condemn it as a form of bigotry. (这种表演形式的遗产是一个复杂而有争议的问题,有些人认为它是一种重要的文化表达形式,而其他人则谴责它是一种偏见。)
8. The decline of the minstrel show coincided with the rise of civil rights movements in the mid-20th century. (这种表演形式的衰落与20世纪中期的民权运动的兴起相吻合。)
9. Today, the minstrel show is widely regarded as an offensive and outdated form of entertainment. (今天,这种表演形式被广泛认为是一种冒犯性和过时的娱乐方式。)