1. Bucculatrix canadensis是加拿大一种常见的毛毡虫。
(Bucculatrix canadensis is a common moth in Canada.)
2. 这里的橡树叶上有Bucculatrix的痕迹。
(There are Bucculatrix marks on the oak leaves here.)
3. 科学家正在研究如何防治Bucculatrix。
(Scientists are researching how to control Bucculatrix.)
4. 我们在林地中发现了Bucculatrix的成群结队。
(We found clusters of Bucculatrix in the forest.)
5. Bucculatrix griseus是一种以潮湿环境为生的毛毡虫。
(Bucculatrix griseus is a moth that prefers wet environments.)
6. Bucculatrix茧是由其幼虫制成的纺织品。
(Bucculatrix cocoons are textile fabrics made by its larvae.)
7. 我们在叶片上发现了Bucculatrix蛹。
(We found Bucculatrix pupae on the leaves.)
8. Bucculatrix虫危害了橡树的生长。
(Bucculatrix damages the growth of oak trees.)
9. Bucculatrix的寿命通常在几个月左右。
(The lifespan of Bucculatrix is usually a few months.)