1. Fenitrothion is a commonly used insecticide in fruit orchards.(氧乐果是果园中常用的杀虫剂。)
2. The use of fenitrothion has been restricted in many countries due to its potential harm to human health.(由于氧乐果对人类健康的潜在危害,许多国家已经限制了其使用。)
3. The toxicity of fenitrothion depends on the dosage and exposure time.(氧乐果的毒性取决于剂量和暴露时间。)
4. The government has banned the use of fenitrothion in residential areas to protect public health.(政府已经禁止在居民区使用氧乐果,以保护公众健康。)
5. Fenitrothion was found in high amounts in the soil and water samples collected near the agricultural fields.(在农田附近收集的土壤和水样品中发现了大量的氧乐果。)
6. The farmers are advised to use alternative pest control methods instead of relying solely on fenitrothion.(建议农民采用替代的害虫防治方法,而不是仅仅依赖氧乐果。)
7. Fenitrothion is effective in controlling the diamondback moth in cabbage crops.(氧乐果对甘蓝作物中的菜青虫防治有效。)
8. Studies have shown that fenitrothion can cause neurological damage in children.(研究表明,氧乐果会对儿童的神经系统造成损伤。)
9. The use of fenitrothion should be strictly regulated to minimize its negative impact on the environment.(应严格规范氧乐果的使用,以减少其对环境的负面影响。)