1. One half is written as 1/2. (一半写作1/2。)
2. Three quarters can be written as 3/4. (四分之三可以写作3/4。)
3. The fraction 2/3 is equivalent to 4/6. (分数2/3等于4/6。)
4. To add fractions, you need to find a common denominator. (要相加分数,你需要找到一个公共分母。)
5. Multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same number does not change the value of the fraction. (分子和分母同时乘以同一个数不改变分数的值。)
6. When dividing fractions, you need to invert the second fraction and multiply it by the first. (当除以分数时,你需要倒转第二个分数并乘以第一个分数。)
7. Improper fractions have a numerator that is greater than or equal to the denominator. (不规则分数的分子大于或等于分母。)
8. A mixed number is a combination of a whole number and a fraction. (混合数是一个整数和一个分数的组合。)
9. Equivalent fractions have the same value but different denominators. (等价分数具有相同的值但不同的分母。)