Russell Kirk这个词语来源于英语。Russell Kirk是美国著名保守主义者、历史学家和作家,他创立了现代保守主义运动并发表了许多重要的保守主义著作。其作品主要关注于文化、价值观、道德和传统等方面的问题,对美国保守主义的发展有着深远的影响。
以下是9个含有Russell Kirk的例句:
1. Russell Kirk was a prominent conservative intellectual and author in the United States.(Russell Kirk是美国著名保守主义知识分子和作家。)
2. Many conservatives consider Russell Kirk to be one of the most important thinkers of the 20th century.(许多保守主义者认为Russell Kirk是20世纪最重要的思想家之一。)
3. The Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal is dedicated to promoting conservative principles and values.(Russell Kirk文化复兴中心致力于推广保守主义原则和价值观。)
4. Russell Kirk's book The Conservative Mind is a seminal work in the history of American conservatism.(Russell Kirk的《保守派思想》是美国保守主义历史上的经典之作。)
5. The Russell Kirk Prize for Lifetime Achievement in Conservative Thought is awarded annually to a prominent conservative intellectual.(Russell Kirk保守主义思想终身成就奖每年颁发给一位杰出的保守主义知识分子。)
6. Russell Kirk believed that tradition and custom were the best guides for individual and social behavior.(Russell Kirk认为传统和习俗是指导个人和社会行为的最佳方式。)
7. The Russell Kirk School of Conservative Studies at Michigan State University is named in honor of the famous conservative scholar.(密歇根州立大学的Russell Kirk保守主义研究学院以这位著名保守主义学者命名。)
8. Russell Kirk was a strong critic of modernity and its emphasis on individualism and materialism.(Russell Kirk强烈批评现代主义及其强调个人主义和物质主义的倾向。)
9. Many of Russell Kirk's ideas about the importance of culture and tradition continue to influence conservative thought today.(Russell Kirk对文化和传统的重要性的许多观点,至今仍在影响着保守主义思想。)